Monday 11 April 2011

Question 3 Evaluation

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

• My audience feedback suggested that my music video needed to have a clear narrative. They suggested that our video was cyclic as we had our artist performing throughout the music video rather than having a storyline filmed during the middle bit of the song.

• The was a variety of camera shots used throughout the video

• The use of the camera stills in the opening part of the video was good as it allowed the audience to recognise the artist at the beginning of the video

• Good and effective editing which can be shown through the use of split screen and green screen and the use of text on the screen

• Good change of costume and location

• It appealed to the niche target audience and followed and developed many conventions such as the use of camera stills in the opening of the music video

Question 4 Evaluation

Question 1 Evaluation

Research into the music channel that would exhibit our video

Saturday 26 February 2011


1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms or conventions of real media products?

• My music video use conventions of other music videos in its category such as the use of slit screens which you can see was used quiet frequently in the so high video. This allows us to use more shots within our video which would allow the audience to get a good view of the artist and it familiarises the audience with the artist.
• It also uses conventions of a music video in its category as it has a variety of costume changes. This convention is used to show the different locations as well as shots used by the director in the video.
• Another convention which is shown in our video is the choice of location. As our video is a grime/hip hop video you expect to see locations which are usually associated with crime. In our music video we have used this convention as we included many shots to suggest that our artist comes from a crime ridden area, for example the use of our CCTV shot suggest that this particular area is watched constantly for a reason. In addition to this the fact that we have many shots showing council estates in London which are known for being high places for crimes to take place.
• Another way we used the convention of a grime/hip hop music video is by adding a narrative to our music video. Narratives are used in a lot of music videos as it keeps the viewer entertained and gives a storyline to the music video. In our music video we have decided to put a narrative of our artist’s life, about how he struggles to make it out of his council estates and the problems he faces with girls as he tries to make it big. The use of a narrative will allow the audience to respond more to our video as they can usually reflect the situation of the song and can identify themselves with the artist.
• A way our music video challenges the conventions of a grime/ hip hop music video is by our choice of editing and our choice of camera shots. Many grime music video tend not to have a vast amount of editing and tend to use hand held cameras as the like to use point of view shots most of the time. We decided to make our music video using shots which would have been used in most hip hop videos such as the performance part of song, for example we decided to film our artist on the green screen at our clc which allowed us to add any background behind him. This shot is used in a lot of hip hop video such as the Kanye West video “Good life” which allowed them have animations come out of know where.
• A way our music video developed conventions of a real media product is by adding images of our artist in our music video. In the beginning off our music video we added still images off our artist which isn’t something you would see in most music videos. We did this because it shows the artists face to the audiences to allow them to familiarise themselves with the character it also shows our editing skills which we used to add images into our music video.

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
For our construction part of our music video we used a variety of gadgets and software to enable us to produce our music video. Such as:
• Camcorder - We were handed a camcorder to make our music video along with a tripod.
• Cameras - We used cameras to take photo’s off our artist as well as pictures of props and locations.
• Final Cut Pro - This is the software we were using to edit the video.
• Adobe Photoshop - This software enabled us to make a poster as well as an album cover for our ancillary task.
• Internet - We used YouTube to upload our music video which them allowed us to put it up on the blog in addition to this we also used website “ Blogger” in order to upload all our work.
For the research and planning part of our video we used the following:
• Internet - The resource we took advantage of the most as it allowed us to upload our coursework on to blogger, it also meant that we could go on YouTube and search for music video which we would attempt to create our music video around.
• Microsoft Word - We used Microsoft Word in order to type up questionnaires for our audience research.
• Camera - We used cameras to take photos of our artist as well as features which would be used in our video such as costumes.
• Final Cut Pro - We used this software to edit our vox pox which was part of our audience research .