Thursday 30 September 2010

Textual Analysis

Artist : Wretch 32 ft. Badness & Ghetto

Song : Ina Di Ghetto

Record Label : Independent

Wretch 32's " Ina di ghetto" has a very distinctive narrative which we can gather from the lyrics as well from the video itself. The narrative we get from the lyrics is about Wretch 32 living in the ghetto and the vast contrast in life in Africa which is what he calls the real " ghetto" and the life for people in England who think they live in the ghetto. We also get the narrative from the video itself as it shows you reality in Africa in the video and shows you a story about the real struggle in the world. The genre for this song is Grime/Rap. The music video was directed by Emil Nava and Produced by Ben Pugh. The music video is a narrative as well as having a bit of performance in it from all of the artist. At the beginning of the music video we see many establishing shots very quickly which really gets the audience's eye, these shots tell us that the video is based in the slums or ghetto of Africa. We get to see lots if building estates and we see the poor quality of life. During the video we get introduced to the artist Wretch 32 and he is surrounded by all of his friends in he background as he raps in the video. While the three artist perform we see lots of quick images of the ghetto with the artist's voice over the image. We see mid shots of two kids which might represent the artist and suggest that the kids are them when they were younger in Africa. I think that some techniques adhere to the conventions of a typical grime video such a a large number of people in the video, also in grime videos you usually see establishing shots o estates to show the audience the history of that specific rapper.

Wretch 32 is represented as a " gangster" in this music video along with his friends. This is done through the clothing he wears, we usually associate hoodies and dark clothing with what " gangsters" wear. Another way he is represented as a gangster in the video is through his lyrics, he says in the first line " Where straps are seen more than dads..", "straps" is slang for guns which is what most gangsters talk about in their music video. The use if a low angle shot makes the artist look powerful over the audience and this adds to the representation of a "gangster" who is seen as being a leader and being powerful over everyone else.

Wretch 32 is an independent artist. This would suggest that the he would have had a very small budget for the music video as would have had no financial backing, this also means that the artist isn't well known which means that the video could only be distributed on a national level. The music channel which played the video was channel aka which is where most unsigned artist can send their music video, the music video was also played on MTV hit's, this is because MTV UK tend to support a lot of local musicians in London. The audiences could consume the video as well as the song through the TV channels as well as YouTube and Wretch's MySpace site used by a lot of musicians to distribute their music.

The target auidence for this music video would be males mostly aged 16 - 24 who live in London as the artist would me more well known in London as this is where he is from and it will also Target people who listen to UK grime which in recent years has become very popular around the world. Audiences would watch the music video as the song or the video might represent them and their struggle.

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